Baby Tjader's Journey

A life undefined by pPROM, prematurity and Cerebral Palsy.

New TV show about the NICU July 15, 2010

Filed under: Bedrest — Aimee @ 3:28 pm

Daytime television is wearing out its welcome in the Tjader household. I try to occupy myself with other things during the day, but every once in awhile I wake up to the nightmare of the View crew chattering about Levi and Bristol Palin’s shocking engagement, mothers on Maury getting their DNA test results for one of 12 potential baby daddies or Wendy Williams offering her ever-s0-insightful commentary on Mel Gibbson.

That is why I’m VERY excited about a new series premiering tonight, 9 p.m. central, on the Discovery Health Channel. It’s called “NICU” and will go behind-the-scenes to highlight the struggles at some of the top NICU units in the country. There are two episodes airing tonight; one is about a premie born with immature lungs.

Nothing new to report today. One and-a-half weeks to viability! I have an appointment tomorrow with my midwife and will update everyone then. I’m expecting it will go just fine. We’ll listen to the heart beat, which, if baby’s strong movements are any indication of his/her health, baby’s doing just fine! By the way, if anyone has any questions for me, feel free to e-mail me at aimeeblanchette(at) or post the questions in a comment and I will reply.